How can you spot eco-friendly furniture and avoid falling into the greenwashing trap?

In a world where more and more consumers are looking to buy sustainable and eco-friendly products, it's crucial to know how to spot greenwashing to make sure you're getting eco-friendly furniture. This article explores what greenwashing is, how to spot it, and why choosing eco-friendly furniture is more important for the planet and your health.



What is greenwashing?

Greenwashing is a deceptive marketing practice used by some companies to portray themselves as being more environmentally friendly than they really are. It consists of exaggerating or falsely claiming commitments or actions in favour of the environment in order to attract consumers who are sensitive to environmental issues. Companies may use uncertified green labels, vague terms or focus their communication on minimal actions to disguise an overall negative environmental impact. The aim is to take advantage of the growing trend among consumers to favour sustainable products, without actually making the necessary efforts to be truly eco-responsible.



How can you recognise genuinely eco-friendly furniture and detect greenwashing?

Check labels and certifications

Not all labels are created equal. Some labels are serious and verified by independent bodies, while others are created by the companies themselves to be misleading. Look for reliable certifications.


Analyse the materials used

Companies that practice greenwashing often use vague terms such as ‘natural materials’ or ‘eco-friendly’ without providing any details.

Look for precise information on the materials used and give preference to those that you know come from recyclable or sustainable sources.

Example: Particleboard such as MDF is difficult to label ‘ecological’ because it often contains glues and resins that can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Caution: It is essential to carefully analyse the percentage of materials described as ‘recycled’, ‘sustainable’ or ‘ecological’ in the manufacture of furniture. Some manufacturers may claim that their products are ‘eco-friendly’ based on the use of a small percentage of recycled materials, while the rest of the components are far from sustainable.


Assess the company's overall commitment

A company that is truly committed to sustainable development will do more than just green one or two products. It will adopt a global approach that includes waste reduction, energy efficiency and ethical working practices. Check out the company's website and sustainability reports to assess its real commitment.



Why choose eco-friendly furniture?

Reduced carbon footprint

Eco-friendly furniture is often made from sustainable and/or recycled materials, which reduces its carbon footprint.

What's more, production processes are generally less energy-intensive and less polluting.

By choosing eco-friendly furniture, you are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Durability and longevity

Eco-friendly furniture is designed to last. It is often made using high-quality materials and a certain amount of know-how, which extends its lifespan.

What's more, eco-furniture companies often offer spare parts to repair furniture that has gone wrong.

  • If you have lost or broken a piece of furniture purchased from ABC Meubles, we can replace it, even if it is over 20 years old!


Support for ethical practices

By buying French eco-friendly furniture, you are supporting companies that adopt ethical and responsible working practices. This includes fair working conditions, a fair wage for workers and respect for human rights.

Your purchase can therefore have a positive impact on local communities and workers in the sector.


Respect for your health

The manufacture of eco-friendly furniture is based on the use of non-harmful materials and processes that respect the environment and your health. This approach makes it possible to limit toxic emissions and offer safe products for the whole family.

  • At ABC Meubles, we are fully committed to this approach:
    • We use solid wood, which contains much less formaldehyde (volatile organic compounds) than particleboard (such as MDF).
    • Our varnishes, whether natural or coloured, are water-based, with no solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
    • We also limit the use of glue, only when essential, and it complies with the E1 standard, guaranteeing low emissions (less than 1 mg/m³). 


How can you make the right choice?

Do your research

Before you buy, take the time to research the company and its environmental practices. Consult reviews, sustainability reports and specialist websites for reliable information. Look for reliable certifications such as the PEFC label for wood or the European Ecolabel.


Ask questions

Don't hesitate to ask questions and/or request the certifications to which the company complies. Ask for details of the materials used, manufacturing processes and certifications. A transparent and committed company will be happy to provide this information.

  • At ABC Meubles, you can reach us via our contact form or through our live chat. We will be delighted to answer any questions you may have.


Vigilance is your best weapon!

By learning how to spot deceptive practices and identify genuine eco-friendly furniture, you are helping to protect the environment and support ethical practices. Choosing eco-friendly furniture is an excellent way of reducing your carbon footprint, supporting responsible businesses and enjoying sustainable, quality products.

By being aware and informed, you can make choices that have a positive impact on the planet and future generations.


Eco-friendly furniture at ABC Meubles

At ABC Meubles, we are committed to offering eco-responsible solutions at every stage in the manufacture of our furniture. Here's how we integrate eco-design into our products:

  • FRENCH suppliers, thus reducing the carbon footprint linked to transport
  • We use SOLID WOOD to offer you solid products for long-term use.
  • This wood comes from CONTROLLED MANAGEMENT forests in the Landes region of France, to ensure that our main raw material is harvested in a controlled manner.
  • Solar panels to power a large part of our machinery, using GREEN ENERGY
  • An ecological, water-based varnish that has a low environmental impact and, as a bonus, is NON-HARMFUL to your health
  • Parts that are AVAILABLE FOR LIFE so that you can repair your product (in the event of breakage or loss of a part) without having to throw it away.

French suppliers_Solid wood from controlled forests_greener energy_water-based, solvent-free varnish_Parts available for life
In conclusion, it is crucial to recognise greenwashing to ensure that you choose genuinely eco-friendly furniture. By checking labels, materials and companies' commitment, you can make responsible choices. Eco-friendly furniture offers benefits such as a reduced carbon footprint and support for ethical practices. At ABC Meubles, we are committed to offering sustainable and environmentally friendly products, helping to protect the planet and your health.

Choosing eco-friendly furniture means taking a step towards a more sustainable future!